Tuesday 25 January 2011


I'm sorry, all I can say, is that I couldn't stop myself.


You know, it was bad enough when we were being told we had to bring a shower curtain out with us...

Now we have to bring the bed too?

So discreet, who would notice you?



Anonymous said...

OMG you have got to be kidding me!!!!

Alison Sauer said...

Words fail me Morgan - I sprayed coffee everywhere when I scrolled down!! And I was on the phone to someone else at the time....


Jodine said...

Morgan, I can't stop laughing .I mean, I should stop, because it's really not funny, but I can't stop...

Carol said...

The things that people come up with today! LOL!

Unknown said...


That looks like it would completely hinder breastfeeding, not help.

In conclusion


Anonymous said...

Bwahaha! Well done! This 'discreet' cover-up business is getting out of hand. Seriously.

Suzanne said...

The top picture looks like my normal boobage!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

That is funny! Do you think they make those in adult sizes? That bed looks comfy! hehe. So not discrete and how the heck do you travel with that thing?

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHA!!! The 1st picture DOES look like she's holding up two huge boobs LOL!

What's worse is that space is SO tiny, you barely fit a tiny infant in there, and those are the easiest to nurse "discretely" plus you need to be able to help them on to the boob, the ten is just in the way. I feel bad for any mom who feels she needs this. But at least she's nursing! It just seems like such a joke though, seriously?!

Anonymous said...

Right. Now all I need is a new baby. My babywearing just got outdated.

Heidi said...

When I saw the first picture, I thought it was advertising a nursing cover for toddlers. I thought, Wow, that is a big toddler.

Thanks for the giggle. :)


Anonymous said...

Surely that is a joke - even the Leopard print styling.

Unknown said...

If only, anonymous. Follow the link, and you can order one of your very own, for only $56.95. Plus shipping. :-)

Alison Sauer said...

We were just saying that you couldn't possibly BF a 6 month in there let alone a toddler.....

TJ said...

I still don't know why lifting the shirt and using a small layette blanket over babies face isn't enough coverage. I always went for minimal. I couldn't imagine carrying that thing around!

Michelle said...

Hilarious, yet tragic post!

Anonymous said...

LMBO! The things we BF mothers are subjected to... :::shaking my head:::
I thought she was nursing TWINS!

Unknown said...

Of course, that's the true, hideous irony. That when babies are as small as they'd need to be to fit into the four poster tent shower curtain on the move... such devices are not needed.

It's when babies develop head control, that Mums find themselves feeling emotionally exposed and unsafe.

So another device, that even if you use it happily, just re-enforces the need to wean when baby is old enough to fight back!

So, so damaging.... *sigh*

Unknown said...

Oh, and we have someone called Elizabeth trying to tell us how much she wants one, for using at home and in church.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth has a locked site, so I can't check if she's pulling our leg, or genuine. Ergo...

Hilary said...

Another thought before we're too quick to jump all over it:
I had a friend who quit nursing because she always felt she had to use the boppy to keep her baby in position, and her and her husband didn't want her 5 year old son to see her nurse -- I think something like this may have been exactly what she needed to keep her nursing. For use in her very own home. I may have not understood her need to 'hide' nursing from her son, but it was her and her husband's choice, and her comfort level, and in the end she quit nursing a 2 month old and went to formula because it was too hard for her to keep going the way she had been . . . I really think something like this would've helped her immensely. She could've positioned the baby and nursed while watching TV with her son, and she may still be nursing now . . .
Again, just because I wouldn't use it, if there's a woman it helps to keep her baby nursing longer, I say it's worth it to that family!

Alison Sauer said...

They forgot the mobile phone pocket!!

Unknown said...

Hilary, the issue is not that some Mums feel uneasy and sacred, and need some support. Some do, some always will.

The issue is the ridiculous concept that this device will make a Mum feel safer about nursing! It is designed to draw attention to itself, is a way that is simply absurd.

And that mother would have been better served, by growing up in a culture where breastfeeding was seen without any mention, all the time. Where breastfeeding is normal.

For Mums who need to cover up, for their own self of emotional safety, there is plenty of support. Every breastfeeding support organisation has tip sheets and ideas on how to support each women with what that woman needs.

Unlike this obscene item, which does nothing but try and make profit, from fear.

And make you look like a porn star who has lost her implants in the bath...

Unknown said...

No they didn't - number 8 is pocket for mobile phone!

Hilary said...

I don't know what the intention of whomever invented this contraption was -- but it may have just been that whomever invented it thought it would help some people be able to breastfeed easier. Sure, I think it's UGLY and it'll draw attention -- but there might be some people out there that it actually helps. And I'm guessing that's who it was designed for.

Hilary said...

But don't get me wrong, I think it's hideous :-)

Enjoy Birth said...

Wow, that is funny and sad at the same time.

Sue Pamp said...

I'm going to get one and then put my daughter's doll in it and see if anyone notices that I am carrying it around. That will be the social experiment to see if it really is discreet or not!

Sue Pamp said...

I'm kidding of course :-)

Anonymous said...

OMG...I'm horrified!

TheFeministBreeder said...

"bring the shower curtain.. bring the bed." DUDE, I CRIED laughing at that. HILARIOUS.

Kelly Family said...

I have the actual nursing pillow (without the leopard print and tent). I only used it with my young twins...I've nursed other babies and found a pillow just as helpful and much easier. But with twins I needed the extra support. It helped a ton. I nursed them for 18 mo, but only used the wall of china as we lovingly called this thing (mind was blue and had a cellphone pocket) for 6 months.

I went very few places when they were young, and later I would just nurse one at a time i public and use a small receiving blanket or a sling.

the styling is frightening at best...seriously you would carry all of that around (pretend the colors are real)?

It would never occur to me to use it for one baby.

Unknown said...

Yes, if you follow it through to the maker, you find the pillow was a nursing twins pillow. Which they have then 'improved' into the new product, in order to sell, sell, sell their wonderful idea!

I don't think they are going to make their money back....

arwen_tiw said...

o/t Did you see this program yet? Yes, THAT WOMAN is back in the limelight... http://www.five.tv/shows/the-vanessa-show/episodes/episode-21-71 Who would seriously ask Claire Byam Cook to do a breastfeeding piece after the last fiasco?!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to make a comment... not about the nursing tent (btw what an ugly thing)... but about the second women... Her name is Eve Valois aka Lolo Ferrari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolo_Ferrari

And she is a pure exemple about what our society can do...